%define name galileo %define version 0.4.2 %define unmangled_version 0.4.2 %define unmangled_version 0.4.2 %define release 1 Summary: Utility to securely synchronize a Fitbit tracker with the Fitbit server Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: %{release} Source0: %{name}-%{unmangled_version}.tar.gz License: LGPL Group: Development/Libraries BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot Prefix: %{_prefix} BuildArch: noarch Vendor: Benoît Allard Url: https://bitbucket.org/benallard/galileo BuildRequires: python2-devel Requires: pyusb %description Galileo ======= :author: Benoît Allard :version: 0.4.2 :license: LGPLv3+ :bug tracker: https://bitbucket.org/benallard/galileo/issues :mailing list: galileo@freelists.org (subscribe_, archive_) .. _subscribe: mailto:galileo-request@freelists.org?subject=subscribe .. _archive: http://freelists.org/archive/galileo/ Introduction ------------ Galileo is a Python utility to securely synchronize a Fitbit device with the Fitbit web service. It allows you to browse your data on their website, and compatible applications. All Bluetooth-based trackers are supported. Those are: - Fitbit One - Fitbit Zip - Fitbit Flex - Fitbit Force .. note:: The Fitbit Ultra tracker is **not supported** as it communicates using the ANT protocol. To synchronize it, please use libfitbit_. This utility is mainly targeted at Linux because Fitbit does not provide any Linux-compatible software, but as Python is cross-platform and the libraries used are available on a broad variety of platforms, it should not be too difficult to port it to other platforms. .. _libfitbit: https://github.com/openyou/libfitbit Main features ------------- - Synchronize your fitbit tracker with the fitbit server using the provided dongle. - Securely communicate (using HTTPS) with the fitbit server. - Save all your dumps locally for possible later analyse. Installation ------------ The easy way ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. warning:: If you want to run the utility as a non-root user, you will have to install the udev rules manually (See `The more complicated way`_, or follow the instructions given when it fails). :: $ pip install galileo $ galileo .. note:: If you don't want to install this utility system-wide, you may want to install it inside a virtualenv_, the behaviour will not be affected. .. _virtualenv: http://www.virtualenv.org Distribution packages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following Linux distributions have packages available for installation: **Gentoo**: The utility is packaged as ``app-misc/galileo`` within the `squeezebox `_ overlay. See https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Layman for details of how to use Gentoo overlays. The more complicated way ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, you need to clone this repository locally, and install the required dependencies: **pyusb**: Need at least a 1.0 version, 0.4 and earlier are not compatible. Please use a tagged release as development version might contains bug or interface breakage. **requests**: Newer versions (2.x) preferred, although older should also work. You should copy the file ``99-fitbit.rules`` to the directory ``/etc/udev/rules.d`` in order to be able to run the utility as a non-root user. Don't forget to: - restart the udev service: ``sudo service udev restart`` - unplug and re-insert the dongle to activate the new rule. Then simply run the ``run`` script located at the root of this repository. If your system uses systemd then there is an example unit file in the ``contrib`` directory that you may wish to customize. Documentation ------------- For the moment, this README (and the ``--help`` command line option) is the main documentation we have. The wiki_ is meant to gather technical information about the project like the communication protocol, or the format of the dump. Once this information reached a suffficient level of maturation, the goal is to integrate it into the project documentation. So head-on there, and start sharing your findings ! Manual pages for the galileo(1) utility and the galileorc(5) configuration file are provided within the ``doc`` directory. .. _wiki: https://bitbucket.org/benallard/galileo/wiki Acknowledgements ---------------- Special thanks to the folks present @ the `issue 46`_ of libfitbit. Especialy to `sansneural `_ for https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwJmJQV9_KRcSE0ySGxkbG1PbVE/edit and `Ingo Lütkebohle`_ for http://pastebin.com/KZS2inpq. .. _`issue 46`: https://github.com/openyou/libfitbit/issues/46 .. _`Ingo Lütkebohle`: https://github.com/iluetkeb Disclaimer ---------- Fitbit is a registered trademark and service mark of Fitbit, Inc. galileo is designed for use with the Fitbit platform. This product is not put out by Fitbit, and Fitbit does not service or warrant the functionality of this product. %prep %setup -n %{name}-%{unmangled_version} -n %{name}-%{unmangled_version} %build %{__python2} setup.py build %install %{__python2} setup.py install --single-version-externally-managed -O1 --root=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT --record=INSTALLED_FILES %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files -f INSTALLED_FILES %defattr(-,root,root)